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Themes of the conference for this year:


  • Novel materials for membrane synthesis

  • Functional materials for energy-efficient separation

  • Mixed-matrix membranes

  • Water treatment and desalination

  • Wastewater treatment and recycling

  • Aerobic and Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactors

  • Integrated processes for energy-efficient separation

  • New applications of membrane technologies

  • Underground water management




Melbourne is a stylish and arty, both dynamic and cosmopolitan, and it's proud of its place as Australia’s sporting and cultural capital. It has been well known for its the leafy eastern section of Collins St was dubbed the 'Paris end' in the 1950s, so the Melbourne's inner city is the most European of any in Australia. On the other hand, Melbourne is a bit of New York in the mix as well due to the city's well-ordered grid and scattering of art-deco high-rises. But Melbourne is uniquely Melbourne and a lot of that's down to the more than 230 laneways that penetrate into the heart of the city blocks. It's here that the inner city's true nature resides, crammed into narrow lanes concealing world-beating restaurants, bars and street art.







On behalf of the organizing committee, we cordially invite you to come to Melbourne in November 2019 to join colleagues from around the world to be inspired. The promises to be an exciting opportunity to exchange innovative ideas and experiences.


We look forward to seeing you in Melbourne- Australia most liveable city!


Professor Huanting Wang and Professor Xiwang Zhang

iEESEP2019 Co-chairs

Consent for Still and Moving Images


By your presence at the conference venue, you consent to be photographed, filmed and/or otherwise recorded. Your entry constitutes your consent to such photography, filming and/or recording and to any use, in any and all media from 27 - 30 November 2019. You acknowledge that Monash University owns copyright in the Material. You may request removal of the Material from a website and/or request no future use be made of the Material by contacting the organizing committee.

Key Dates:


Abstract Submission Deadline:

Extended to

15 September 2019


Click HERE for Abstract Template


Notification of Abstract Acceptance:

1 July  2019



Early Bird Registration Deadline:

1 August 2019



ARC-EESep & WaterRA Joint Membrane Worksop:

27 November 2019



ECR Workshop:

27 November 2019



Welcome Reception:

27 November 2019



Full Day Conference:

28 - 29 November 2019



Conference Dinner:

28 November 2019



Technical Visit:

30 November 2019

Melbourne City

Melbourne City

Federation Square, Melbourne

Federation Square, Melbourne

Eureka Skydeck 88

Eureka Skydeck 88

Luna Park, Melbourne

Luna Park, Melbourne

Melbourne Park

Melbourne Park

Great Ocean Road

Great Ocean Road

Phillip Island

Phillip Island



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