1st International Conference on Bioinspired Materials and Membranes (IBMM2018)
in conjunction with
Abstract Submission
Abstract submission is now OPEN (extended deadline: 8 December 2017)
Authors are invited to submit abstracts for consideration to be included in the program of IBMM 2018. Only original research can be submitted. Abstracts must be written in English and must follow the instructions in the template file, available in Microsoft Word format (download template here).
Abstract length must be in 1 page (A4 size), incorporating the title page, all text, references and figure. Submissions imply the willingness of at least one author to register, attend the conference, and present the research. The accepted papers will be presented in-person.
In case of questions related to the submission process please contact us at ibmm2018@monash.edu.
After the submission, an acknowledgement email is sent automatically to the author. If you do not receive this email within few hours, please, contact us at nicholas.low@monash.edu to ensure that your abstract has been properly uploaded.
The list of sessions to which abstracts will be submitted is provided below:
Synthetic, Biomimetic and Bioinspired Membranes
Bioinspired Nanostructured Materials
Bioinspired Interfacial Materials
Design and Synthesis of Biomaterials
Self-assembly and Bioprinting of Biomaterials
Innovative Energy-efficient ​Separation Science and Technology
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Environmental Science and Technology
Bioinspired Catalysts for Energy and Fuels
Biosensor and Biomechanics